Applies the regular expression pattern to the input text and returns a list. The exact content of the list depends on whether the regular expression uses the “g” modifier:

  • With “g”, a list of all occurrences are returned (or an empty list if there are no occurrences).
  • Without “g”, the first occurrence is returned as the first list element. If the regular expression contains one or more parenthesis/group expressions, those are returned as additional list elements. This can be used to extract parts of a larger context. Further occurrences are ignored.


  • extractAllMatchesFromText("ene mene muhe", /m..e/g) → [‘mene’, ‘muhe’]
  • extractAllMatchesFromText("ene mene muhe", /m..e/) → [‘mene’]
  • extractAllMatchesFromText("ene mene muhe", /m(..)e/g) → [‘mene’, ‘muhe’]
  • extractAllMatchesFromText("ene mene muhe", /m(..)e/) → [‘mene’, ‘en’]
  • extractAllMatchesFromText("Weight 23 kg gross.", /(\d+)\s*([km]*g)/) → [‘23 kg’, ‘23’, ‘kg’]